Friday, December 16, 2011

Just thinking...

Wish I could remember what I heard Tony Evans say in that short (8 minute) sermon segment I heard... something about EMOTIONS HAVE NO INTELLECT; they only do what they are told. 

  1. When we speak sorry things, they'll respond accordingly, and be "down". 
  2. When we say hopeful things, they respond accordingly and leave us feeling "up". 

That made sense to me, and know it to be (from experience) true.

So why do we generally allow our emotions to “run the show” so to speak? What’s up with that? 
Upon awaking if we’ve had a bad dream, a scary dream, we’re in a bad mood and the bad mood runs (ruins) at least part of the day. Doesn’t that seem wrong to anybody? How about that rush hour traffic, the crazy drivers who cut you off then slow down abruptly… that tick us off, “make us just furious” and we want to run around being mad as if it is right that these outside influences determine how we will behave…. No clue…. Sounds like we don’t want to accept the responsibility for our own actions.

Following that was a Joyce Meyer teaching (which I also missed most of), in which she said that "I want", "I think", "I feel" statements are all soul statements... The will says, "I want", the mind says, "I think" and the emotions say, "I feel" ... each wanting to be heard for themselves (selfish at the core), but none has usually looked to the Spirit, to learn what the mind of Christ would say. which our spirit will say, "I believe."

Instead, we surround ourselves with sound... the TV, a radio, iPod, MP3, phone, etc. -constant chatter, constant sound.  We inundate our minds with images from TV, movies, internet...  and we think we're doing ourselves a favor.  When what we NEED to do is "to sit in silence with God... without making suggestions, giving directions or making requests." 

We seldom give ourselves the GIFT of time to allow peace to flood our souls... telling the mind, will and emotions to just HUSH!

Saturday 17 March 2007 - 02:43PM (EDT) 

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