Friday, December 16, 2011

Prioritizing Required

So much to do... and limited time. Picking priorities is vital to getting much of anything done. What criteria can be used to make these determinations accurately?  The questions then are: 

  • What should be done without delay? vs. What is screaming for your time? 
  • Which things need to be done whether anything else gets done or not? 
  • Are there things getting in the way of that? 

Sometimes people use your time, just taking it up, what should you do about it? - Anything?
Sometimes, sharing your time with people is just as important as some of the other things that need to be done, so how do you make those decisions?

Of course I have other thoughts on the subject... but I want to leave it open for discussion for the moment... so I'll check back to see if any of my friends has any thoughts they'd like to offer on it first.

Well, it's been very quiet on this subject... so I'll mosey on with my thoughts...
To do the most important thing first seems sane... because the important things left undone, will then become urgent things screaming for your time. So get the important thing done first then get to the urgent... the urgent will get done... it will force the issue.
Blessings.... God's mercy & grace & peace be yours. ~~ Gma G

Friday 16 February 2007 - 03:02PM (EST)    

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