Friday, December 16, 2011

Soul Nutrition

Late one afternoon, I was finally able to reach one of my ‘adopted’ granddaughters by phone. I'd been wanting to find out how she was doing, but for the last couple days, was having an extremely difficult time reaching her.  

During the conversation, the idea came to me to compare how we support our bodies by filling in the gaps left by our dietary choices through taking a multivitamin, to supporting our souls sub-consciously with the playing of Christian music or audio recordings of the Word of God. Those words enter our hearts when we are consciously listening to them or if they're just playing in the background... and can build our faith and trust in the Lord just by being given to us to hear. (Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.)

This was something I had done almost by ‘accident’ when I was a ‘babe in Christ’. Either I somehow KNEW I needed that support, or it was God’s Spirit leading me, but because music is such an intrinsic part of who I am, it just made sense to find a good, godly radio station. The same station was tuned in on the stereo in the living room, in my car, and on my desk at work. Over time, it helped me grow in ways I would be hard pressed to identify (we're talking mid to late 1970s here!), but I know that the words spoken and sung into my heart, and frequently into my head, helped me understand who I am in Christ, and what all He paid for on my behalf. And these gave me a firm foundation upon which my faith could grow.

So take a good, easily absorbed multivitamin, and nourish your soul and spirit with good, godly music and the spoken Word of God.

Wednesday 21 February 2007 - 09:22PM (EST)

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